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Commandments of Mother Teresa

23 January 2013.
Dear Friends,

Beginning from this year we open two new headings “Wisdom of Great Persons” and “History of success” on the pages of our web site, where we will publish articles about interesting people, life histories of prominent figures, extracts and quotations from inestimable papers of classicists and contemporaries. We think that the guests of our web site will be interested to contemplate about the sense of imperishable phrases and texts, unique stories of remarkable persons’ life establishing, descriptions of their complex ways to their achievements will inspire our readers to great performances.

Commandments of Mother Teresa

We will begin the series from publication of the Commandments of Mother Teresa (1910-1997), a catholic nun who dedicated all her life to creation of schools, shelters, hospitals for poor and seriously ill children and grown-up people notwithstanding to their nationality and confession. Mother Teresa is the possessor of the Nobel Prize for “Rendering the Assistance to the Afflicted”.

Ten Commandments of Mother Teresa

1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centred — Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. — Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies — Succeed anyway.
4. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable — Be honest and frank anyway.
5. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight — Build anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds — Think big anyway.
7. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow – Do good anyway.
8. People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs — Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them — Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth — Give the world the best you have anyway.

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