eng.alemsaby.kz » News of program » Akhan Satayev, the Director, about “Alem” Program (video)

Akhan Satayev, the Director, about “Alem” Program (video)

29 December 2010.

Akhan Satayev, the Filmmaker and Founder of the “Sataifilm” Studio, shares his thoughts about the importance of “Alem” Program for talented children and young people. Akhan Satayev is a member of the Selection Commission of the “Saby” Charitable Foundation under “Alem” Program for support of young talents.

Akhan Satayev – the well-known Kazakh filmmaker, who shot such films as: "The Racketeer”, "The Brothers" and "The Lost", etc., including more than 300 advertising video clips. A repeated winner of “Altyn Zhuldyz” prize.

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