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Wonderful Things are right beside you!

12 August 2011.

The first Exhibition by Roman Kuznetsov – a young talented artist from Petropavlovsk comes to its end. The given Exhibition was organized by the Charitable Foundation "Saby" with the support of the Art Exhibition Directorate.

The results of the given Exhibition are amazing: the works of a young talented artist were of high interest with the Mass media, with positive response from the critics and professionals; moreover the visitors of the Exhibition have noted the unique style of painting of Roman Kuznetsov.

“You couldn’t even imagine that these paintings are created by a little boy – his works are amazing! When you are looking at these expositions you can feel the huge energy they are saturated and deeply sense they are created!"- said one of the guests.

Well, we're very gratified by our young artist’s success (participant of Alem Program); and we wish him to have a great success both in his future paintings and other undertakings. Roma, we wish you to remain for ever one, to create what you like most of all - because you are good in doing that!"






"Известия Казахстан" 


Информагентство "Синьхуа"

Газета "Экспресс-К"

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