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News of program, "Alem" Participants Diaries » Akzharkyn Mutieva, 17 years, Atyrau region

15 March 2013 | Views: 1294
Akzharkyn Mutieva, 17 years, Atyrau regionКөңілімдегі көрікті ой.....
Кей кездері адам өміріндегі күтпеген тосын сыйлар, таңғажайып жаңалықтар жанға керемет әсер, шуақты қуаныш сыйлайтыны сөзсіз. Дегенмен осынау қамшының сабындай қысқа ғұмырда өміріңе қуат, көңіліңе шуақ сыйлайтын ғажап сәттердің жиі кездеспейтіні өкінішті. Алайда, осынау төрткүл әлемді қос жанарыңмен шарлап, сана сезіміңмен ұғынатыныңа шексіз разы боласың.

Иә, бақыт деген өмірің, саулығың, жанашыр адамдардың амандығы, мейірімді лебіздері. Мен үшін бұл өмірде мұнан артық бақыт тілеп, шарқ ұрудың керегі жоқ. Жаны жайсаң жандар жаныңнан табылып жатса өзге бақыттың керегі не?

Өмірдің татымын толық сезініп көрмесек те, біз бүгінде қоғамның бір мүшесі болып саналатын белсенді де жалынды жастардың санатындамыз. Осы кезеңге дейін талай жеңісті де бағындырып, жетістіктерге де қол жеткізіп, кейде ағаттықпен жаңылысып кететін кездер де жолығып жатты. Алайда өмірге деген құштарлық, талпыныс, ізденіс үнемі алға жетелеп отырды.

History of success » Baurzhan Momyshuly – The Last Kazakh Hero of the Soviet Union

11 March 2013 | Views: 1318
Baurzhan Momyshuly – The Last Kazakh Hero of the Soviet Union Few people know that Baurzhan Momyshuly was the idol of Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, ‘Volokolamsk Highway’ was one of the favorite books of Comandante Che and Castro…

We would like to introduce you the article of Serik Malyeev, a famous journalist, observer of Liter newspaper, about the son of Kazakh people, Hero of the Soviet Union, a writer, Baurzhan Momyshuly.

General information » Our Congratulations with the International Women’s Day March 8th!

6 March 2013 | Views: 108
Our Congratulations with the International Women’s Day March 8th! This perfect day all men congratulate their wives and mothers, sisters and daughters, brides and girlfriends with this wonderful spring holiday.

Earlier the International Women’s Day was celebrated in sign of the struggle for women’s rights in the whole world. German revolutionist Clara Zetkin organized the first International Women’s Day.

Nowadays, the International Women’s Day is a wonderful woman holiday, the holiday of beauty, kindness and love. Every man tries to gladden his sweet ladies, preparing for this remarkable event in advance. Love, gratitude and respect for the beautiful half of humanity, women, unite us.

Saby Charitable Foundation congratulates all our readers with the International Women’s Day March 8th!

With all our heart we wish you sound health, successes, personal development and woman happiness!

News of program » Our Sincere Gratitude to All!

5 March 2013 | Views: 1262
Our Sincere Gratitude to All! Charity, notwithstanding the fact that this word brought discredit upon itself and is not always in the confidence of people, as an act continues to be the perfect demonstration of best human qualities in its absolute sense – ‘do benefit, do good’.

People rendering assistance to people, who need it more than ever, who are in more difficult situations than they are, inalterably inspire a great respect. We, the employees of the charitable foundation, are filled with admiration for our philanthropists’ unselfishness and generosity.

Especially, we want to mention about those, who entrust us their money means, even being unfamiliar with us and not knowing how their money will be spent. They just believe that we will not trick them and will find a use for all benefactions. It is referred to the philanthropists who make transfers on the account of Saby Foundation through QIWI payment terminals.

Wisdom of the Great » Conversation of a rich man with the Prophet about charity

18 February 2013 | Views: 1339
 Conversation of a rich man with the Prophet about charity Gibran Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) – a famous Lebanese-American philosopher, artist, poet and writer of the XX century. He was born in Bsharri, wherefrom he, at the age of 12, with his mother and sisters immigrated to the USA.

The Prophet (1923), the book famed Kahlil Gibran, was the peak of the poet’s philosophy and was translated to more than 100 languages.

Introduce our readers the extract from this great work – conversation of a rich man with the Prophet about charity: