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News of program, "Alem" Participants Diaries » Zhuldyz Abil, 17 years, Aktobe region

6 February 2013 | Views: 1132
Zhuldyz Abil, 17 years, Aktobe region Пенде баласы шыр етіп, дүниеге есігін ашып, өсіп, ер жеткен соң, небір қиындыққа тап болары ақиқат. Бұл, әрине өмірдің заңдылығы. Не істерін білмей дал болған талантты жандарға, қол ұшын созатын бұл «Әлем» бағдарламасы менің өмірімді өзгертті. «Сәби» Қорының арқасында қазіргі таңда, Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университетінің «Журналистика» факультетінің 1-ші курс студенті атандым. Әлі де болса, қуанышым қойныма сияр емес, өйткені, бұл грантты жеңіп алудың өзі үлкен мәртебе деп есептеймін. Осындай игі істі өмірге әкелген Әсел Тасмағамбетова ханымның еңбегі өлшеусіз! Болашақта «әлемдіктер» саны көбейіп, елім деп еміреніп, айбынды алаштың туын биік ұстайтын білімді де, білікті, талантты да, дарынды, зеректі де, зерделі бәсекеге қабілетті ұлт жанды азаматтарымыз бен азаматшаларымыз көп болғай! Тоқсан ауыз сөздің тобықтай түйінін мына бір жүрегімнен шыққан жыр шумақтарымен тәмәмдаймын...

News of program » Medet has become a student of the New York Film Academy!

5 February 2013 | Views: 1206
Medet has become a student of the New York Film Academy! Almost one month has passed since Medet Shayakhmetov, a participant of the Alem program and a winner of the international grant of Saby Charitable Foundation, joined the future generation of film directors in the most innovative and dynamic center of film science – the New York Film Academy which is distinguished by the internationality of its students and the highly professional teaching staff.

From the first days Medet has plunged into the subject “Film director” gaining invaluable experience in film production not only at lectures but also at practical lessons. He works with a 16 mm camera, prepares mise en scene projects, writes script drafts and makes photoscripts. In workshops of the school students are given an opportunity to develop their creative abilities as best as they can and become film directors of their own little films. But it is equally important to obtain comprehensive experience of work on the filming ground in the team acting let us say as a cameraman or an assistant.

News of program » Happy New 2013 Year!

28 December 2012 | Views: 173
Happy New 2013 Year!
Dear Friends! Happy New Year!

It is noted that acts of kindness bring joy both those who create benefit and who receive it. So let wish each other more acts of kindness in New Year. May joyful moments of the expiring year be always with you and bad moments leave behind. May your friends be with you in the New Year’s Eve, because, indeed, how celebrate New Year then spent it in this way.
We wish you with all our heart love, happiness, prosperity and the most important thing – health!

Sincerely yours, Saby Foundation

News of program » Our Congratulations with Independence Day!

14 December 2012 | Views: 176
Our Congratulations with Independence Day!
Independence is freedom, power, prosperity and spirituality.

On this high day of patriotism and pride for our motherland, brotherhood between our nations, we wish all peace and serenity in our united house. Let us save traditional values of mutual respect, unify still greater and achieve together new aims, prosperity and success!

We wish all Kazakhstan people health, success and support of your family and friends!

News of program » First International Grant of the Alem Program

12 December 2012 | Views: 1140
First International Grant of the Alem Program New York…What are the brightest associations which induces the name of this city? You are right – infinite perspectives!

It is not difficult to imagine the 18 year old boy’s storm of emotions, who will go to study in the famous New York Film Academy! The fortunate possessor of the international educational grant from Saby Foundation within the framework of the Alem Young Talents Support Program became Medet Shayakhmetov. After the New Year, Medet will start his education in the Academy under “Stage Direction” Program.

The famous movie school offers the time-proved method of education from honored teachers, master classes with world famous stars, training on modern professional equipment, unique experience and deep knowledge. Today many Hollywood stars prefer this high rating educational institution for their children, among the stars are: Steven Spielberg, Peter Bogdanovich, Al Pacino, Jamie Foxx, Jodie Foster, Robert Downey Jr., Stephen Frears, George Romero, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robinson, Kevin Kline, Pierce Brosnan etc.