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News of program » First Steps to The Big Movie

7 August 2013 | Views: 1312
First Steps to The Big Movie Medet Shayakhmetov, our ‘American Alem Participant’, who studies at New York Cinema Academy on the grant of Saby Charitable Foundation, with the regular report about his student life has sent several video, which he recently made within the framework of the first year of stage direction education.

It is not full-rate movies, but extracts and some drafts, which has definite objectives. In the first video the author is to show atmosphere, in the second one to introduce music, in the third one to show actors, etc.

Though, there is no professional movie experts among the employees of the Foundation, some video seemed to us interesting and we offer you to see the works of the future ‘Spielberg’.

News of program, History of success » Michio Kaku. Simply About Complicated Things

1 August 2013 | Views: 1685
Michio Kaku. Simply About Complicated Things
Michio Kaku (born January 24, 1947 in California, USA) - is an American scientist, expert in the field of theoretical physics. He is known as an active popularizer of science and author of scientific books.

In May of this year he read lecture in Nazarbayev University in Astana. We think that now, when summer holidays are in full swing, you will be interested to read his books, which tells, in a simple and interesting way, about complicated things: science, technics, universe and future. There are many free links on the author’s works. We offer you to visit two of them:

News of program » With thanks, your Sabу Fund

22 July 2013 | Views: 1240
With thanks, your Sabу Fund Peer at figures of daily report on receipts to current account of donations from benefactors, we begin to think constantly that one man allowed time in his undoubtedly tight schedule, came to bank or QIWI payment terminal and transfer money for kindness. He made that simply from the heart do not waiting anything in return. We even cannot extend elementary words of gratitude to this man, you know that the payments arrive without contacts of the sender.

What a pity! We want so much to make acquaintance personally with everyone and say thank you for tender heart and responsiveness, for active life philosophy and doings changing to the good the heavy destinies of other people.

News of program, Wisdom of the Great » Mahatma Gandhi. Wisdom and Philosophy

17 July 2013 | Views: 1645
Mahatma Gandhi. Wisdom and Philosophy Mahatma Gandhi [/b] (1869-1948) — one of the leaders and ideologist of the national liberation movement of India. His philosophy of non-violence Satyagraha had an impact on national and international movements of those who supported peaceful changes. He rejected violence in any form. For more than 30 years he persistently preached his philosophy and finally proved the effectiveness of non-violence policy to the whole world when India peacefully gained independence from Britain thanks to Gandhi’s efforts in 1947.

But a savage struggle broke out between religious groups for the right to dictate their will to the government in the awakening country.

The year of 1947 ended with bitter disappointment for Gandhi. He kept proving the fatuity of violence but nobody seemed to listen to him. In January 1948, in a desperate attempt to stop the interethnic strife Mahatma Gandhi resorted to a hunger strike. He explained his decision this way: “Death will become a miraculous escape for me. It is better to die than to be a helpless eyewitness of India’s self-destruction”.

News of program, "Alem" Participants Diaries » Tlepbergenov Berik, 19 years

15 July 2013 | Views: 1312
Жас таланттардың болашағы – сенің қолыңда!

Tlepbergenov Berik, 19 years Қамшының сабындай ғана қысқа, әрі жалған дүниеде адам баласы сан түрлі белестерді бастан өткізеді. Біреулерінің өмірінде таңғажайып оқиғалар мен күтпеген тосын сыйлар кездесетіні сөзсіз, ал кейбір жандар үшін бұл орындалмас қиял ғана. Міне, сондай кезеңді мен де басымнан кешкен болатынмын.

Мектеп оқып жүрген кезімде көптеген шараларға белсене араластым және де біршама жарыстарға қатысып, біраз жетістікке де қол жеткіздім. Сондай-ақ, кейде ағаттықпен қателесіп кететін кездер де болып жатты. Бірақ, мына өмірге деген құштарлық пен ізденіс үнемі жанымнан табылып, мені алға жетелеп отырды. Өмірімізде болып жатқан мұндай ең елеулі сәттерде жаныңнан жүрегі жылы, жүзі ашық кереметтей жандардың табылып жататыны көңіліңе қуаныш сыйлайды.