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News of program » We are 10 years old!

14 May 2012 | Views: 1440
A.I. Tasmagambetova
President of Saby Charitable Foundation

Every modern society has its own history of charities.

For instance, in England it began about 400 years ago and had deep roots and existing traditions. The culture of philanthropy in USA was formed more than a century ago. And it did not happen by chance. As we know, charitable organizations and people who participate in their activity are parts of spiritual structure of society. Easing sufferings of people who are in need and supporting them financially, they not only help deal with physical sufferings, but also help to negate such emotions as fear and anger, hate and indifference. It is those emotional settings that ultimately develop moral standards and lead to systematic degradation in the society, forming a vicious circle at the end of which there are more and more unhappy and desperate people. So the universal importance of love and compassion to your fellow human being, which is the basis of the any charitable organization’s activity, helps achieve tangible results and actual success stories.

News of program » Happy Victory Day!

8 May 2012 | Views: 1399
Happy Victory Day!

Dear friends, dearest veterans!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on the Day of Great Victory!

We wish you long-lasting life, strong health and peaceful sky over your heads!

В погожий, светлый майский день,
Как много лет назад,
На праздник расцвела сирень,
Украсив буйно сад;
Сиренью пахнет вся страна
В день этот каждый год:
Как символ праздника, она
Лишь в вашу честь цветет –
Ведь вы, герои из былин,
Полмира обошли
И, взяв поверженный Берлин,
Победу вознесли!
И не было важней побед,
И нет священней вех!
Здоровья вам и долгих лет,
И с Днем Победы всех!

Алексей Резников

News of program, Our Video » Talent Search Is Going On!

4 May 2012 | Views: 1794
Talent Search Is Going On! In order to find gifted children and youth in backblocks, Saby Charitable Foundation launches a special information trailer on the Alem Young Talents Support Program. It is supposed to be demonstrated on leading Kazakhstan TV-channels. We offer you to give a look at the Russian version of the trailer.

News of program » С праздником!

27 April 2012 | Views: 1313
С праздником!
Уважаемые друзья!

От всей души поздравляем вас с Днем единства народа Казахстана!
Этот день стал для нашей многонациональной страны, ставшей колыбелью дружбы народов, днем олицетворения сплоченности и согласия людей, днем обновления и устремленности.

Большая сила братских уз
В том, что живём мы дружно вместе.
Пусть укрепляют наш союз
Культура, языки и песни!

Ваш Благотворительный Фонд «Саби»

News of program » Charity: Now and Here

25 April 2012 | Views: 2494
Charity: Now and Here Numerous sociological studies show that the development of civil society is now in the stage when the material assistance to needy people becomes quite common not only for people with stable income, but also for those who have not been recently “seen” as philanthropists.

Someone just wants to help sick children and orphans, somebody cares about difficulties of disabled people and someone seeks to make easier the life of homeless animals...

However, the constant lack of free time and various formalities, required for the transfer of funds to charitable foundations or accounts of separate needy persons, give us little opportunity to realize our good intentions.