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"Alem" Program for support of young talents




Support of perspective and talented young people (children and teenagers) in the process of intellectual and creative development, life formation and social self-realization

Organizer and executor of the Project:

"Saby" Non-Commercial Organization Private Charitable Foundation

Purpose of the Project:
1. Creation of economic and organizational conditions for intellectual and creative development, life formation and social self-realization of perspective and talented young people in accordance with the youth policy of Kazakhstan.
2. Involvement of young people in cultural, educational, scientific and economic processes of the country.

Project implementation period:

Ongoing project

Problem definition:
Complexity of historical social reformations has affected all spheres of life of young generation. Conventional problems of young people and ways of their solution have changed. Necessity for support of young people is determined by difficulties of life start that young people face at the beginning of life formation.
Formation of democratic society with socially-oriented economy is impossible without cultural, highly educated, spiritually and professionally developed young people who have to take direct participation in formation and realization of the policy related to young people and society in general.
According to the state youth policy of Kazakhstan, young people are one of socially active population layers having important potential weigh. This conditions inadmissibility of undervaluation of the role and place of young people in the state development.

Ways of problem solving:

It is necessary to provide young people with conditions for development of their talents and unique abilities, choice of life journey, achievement of personal success regardless of their financial standing or social position.
This project contemplates various financial, organizational and consultative support for perspective and talented young people at the stage of personal formation. Besides, worthy representatives of young generation receive an unprecedented opportunity to find their niche in the cultural, scientific, sportive and educational life of the country.
However, it is necessary to remember that a chance provided by the Project is only a sort of start and incentive to further independent actions, expression of creative and professional initiatives, as well as striving for growth and development.

Project implementation phases:

1. First phase. Search and selection of talents.
1. The initial phase of the Project implementation includes development and approval of a list of nominations and directions within the framework of which the Foundation's support will be provided. This preliminarily includes: creative direction (vocal, music, and choreography), applied direction (painting, sculpture), science (mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc.), sport, young specialists. Then the main criteria of applicant selection are determined: age, knowledge, unique abilities and skills regardless of sex, nationality, social position or religious affiliation.

2. Taking into account remoteness of living of the most part of population from cultural and economic centers of the country, as well as wide opportunities and perspectives of Internet technology that eliminates borders and distances, the nest step is development, creation and promotion of an Internet portal for the purpose of attraction and information support of children and young people, acceptance of applications from applicants for participation in the Project, and coordination of all interested parties.

3. Selection of candidates for receipt of the Foundation's support includes three phasesа: 1. Internet-selection is carried out by forces of employees of the Foundation on the basis of analysis of received applications; 2. Intermediate selection is carried out by the selection commission composed of competent and recognized specialists invited on a case-by-case in each nomination; 3. Final selection is carried out on the principle of "the best from the best" on the basis of comparison of the results of previous selection with due consideration of affiliation of applicants to vulnerable categories (orphans, children left without parents' care, children from large or difficult families, children with physical disabilities).

2. Second phase. Organizational and economic support of talents

Based on the results of the three-phase selection laureates will receive the Foundation's support, the form and size of which will be determined depending on a nomination and may be represented in the form of financing of participation in exhibitions, competitions, Olympiads, contests, including international ones; payment of education in institutions of higher education, master's degree programs, including foreign ones; organization of audition, review, interview in a relevant nomination with competent and recognized professionals on a case-by-case basis in each nomination; provision of an opportunity to get a trainee job in leading enterprises, companies and organizations, music collectives and societies.

3. Third phase. Provision of electronic interaction of interested parties

Development of database of the Project laureates and its publication at the Internet portal for the purpose of attraction of interested promoters, producers, HR-managers and employers.

Project financing:
The Project is being financed at the cost of voluntary contributions of benefactors to the "Saby" Charitable Foundation.

Expected results of the Project:
Discovery of labor and creative potential of talented and perspective young people of Kazakhstan, their successful integration and social self-realization; involvement of young generation - an important strategic resource - in active life of the civil society.
Publication date: 29 October 2010 | Views: 5003
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