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News of program, Announcement » The Poetry Collection by Young Poets Published

21 September 2012 | Views: 1662
The Poetry Collection by Young Poets Published Creative work always gives a great pleasure especially when you see the results of this work, moreover if you hold it in your arms, it gives you indescribable joy!

Today, we have a new, still smelling of printing ink, edition of the poetry collection of young poets who passed a serious selection as the best in the poetical contests held by Saby Charitable Foundation in 2011 and 2012. The book includes works of 13 young authors distinguished for their talent and original ideas by our expert in the field of literature, a poet, writer, publicist, secretary and the Chairman of Children’s Literature Board of the Kazakhstan Association of Writers Sultan Kalievich Kaliyev.

News of program, Announcement » The Finalists in the Beat of ‘Action’

6 June 2012 | Views: 1678
The Finalists in the Beat of ‘Action’ Great Alfred Hitchcock used to say: “There are three things for shooting a good film: a script, a script and again a script!”. As if continuing the thought of the genius, the Movie Script Contest, which gives the opportunity to our compatriots, and not only to them, to internationally reveal their talent, has been held for the third year in the frame of the International Movie Festival.

In Kazakhstan such a serious contest is held with the support of the Akimat of Astana and the Alem Program of Saby Charitable Foundation.

Today, we know the names of the 10 best screenwriters (5 Kazakh and 5 international), which have the real chance to collaborate with Bazelevs production company of the well-known director Timur Bekmambetov and receive a significant prize in the amount of $10,000.

From July 1 to July 3, 2012, at the festival in Astana, the finalists will submit to approval to the educated audience their scripts of the action category.

News of program, Announcement » The Movie Script Contest: Semi-Finalists Have Been Announced

18 May 2012 | Views: 1783
The Movie Script Contest: Semi-Finalists Have Been Announced The first stage of the Movie Script Contest, held as a part of Timur Bekmambetov’s Astana Action Movie Festival, has been completed.

The Selection Committee names the 22 scriptwriters who have passed the semi-final with their synopsises, there are 12 Kazakh and 10 foreign competitors among them. To continue the contention for a place in the final, the writers should present promptly the full versions of the screenplays, only 10 of which will be chosen (5 Kazakh and 5 foreign writers). We will know to whom Fortune will favor as early as June 1, 2012.

Saby Charity Foundation, acting as an official partner of the Contest, wishes everyone good luck!

Announcement » Attention: Action Begins!

13 March 2012 | Views: 2007
Attention: Action Begins! This year Saby Charity Foundation for the second time becomes a partner of the ASTANA International Action Film Festival which was inspired by the well-known director and producer Timur Bekmambetov.

The main difference from the last-year event is that besides the Script Contest the organizers introduced the additional contest of short films where apart from our compatriots, participants from the whole world will be able to take part.

All applications should be forwarded through the website of the Festival, where works will be examined by the competent panel of judges composed of maîtres of world cinema, and the best shorts will be determined by internet voting.

We remind you that both professionals and amateurs are welcome to take part as the key point is to strive for success. Last year the winner among 150 script writers was the Almaty economist Bakhtiyor Kadyrov, for whom it was the first creative work in his life. If you also want to repeat the stunning success of the ordinary Kazakh guy, you should carefully read the Contest terms, register and submit your application on the following link.

The deadline for the submission of applications for the Script Contest is May 01, 2012, for the Short Film Contest – May 15, 2012.

The crucial point is that works and applications must be submitted only in English.

Announcement » Results of the “Astana” action movie festival

4 July 2011 | Views: 1661

Results of the “Astana” action movie festivalFireworks ended and the II International Festival of action-movie "Astana" draws to a close. Such world stars as Armand Assante, Michael Madsen, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez and other important guests appeared on the red carpet of the Festival.

The Festival, which was started last year and became an annual tradition, has become a kind of gift to citizens and guests of Astana on the eve of its birthday. That was a holiday of dynamic, modern and breathtaking movie.

Organizers of the Festival shown about 20 full-length movies presented by directors from the USA, Europe, Asia and CIS countries.

There were also conferences, roundtables and workshops held by film-makers at the international level.

The Film Festival included also presentation of Kazakhstan projects, which involved recognized masters of the national cinema and representatives of public organizations, including: Asanali Ashimov, Venera Nigmatulina, Amir Karakulov.