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History of success » General information

23 January 2013 | Views: 107
Dear Friends,

Beginning from this year we open two new headings “Wisdom of Great Persons” and “History of success” on the pages of our web site, where we will publish articles about interesting people, life histories of prominent figures, extracts and quotations from inestimable papers of classicists and contemporaries. We think that the guests of our web site will be interested to contemplate about the sense of imperishable phrases and texts, unique stories of remarkable persons’ life establishing, descriptions of their complex ways to their achievements will inspire our readers to great performances.

News of program, History of success » Fariza! Farizazhan, Fariza-kyz

16 May 2014 | Views: 1360
Fariza! Farizazhan, Fariza-kyz Few poets manage to combine such principles as open public spirit and penetrating lyricism, innocence and generosity of human relations and tragicalness of unanswered love, lines about sacred friendship and wise thoughts about poet’s skill. The poetess Fariza Ongarsynova is successful in it. Her verses – effective picture of modern reality.

Biography is presented in the Russian language

Ф. Онгарсынова родилась 25 декабря 1939 года в ауле Манаш Новобогатинского района Гурьевской области. В 1961 году окончила филологический факультет Гурьевского (Атырауского) педагогического института и до 1966 года работала сначала учительницей, а потом директором в сельских школах. Мать Фаризы, неграмотная казашка, любила народные сказания, старинные казахские песни. Долгими зимними вечерами дети читали вслух книги, учили на память поэтические произведения. Многим Фариза обязана матери, стремившейся, чтобы дети росли свободными, не скованными цепями давних традиционных запретов.

News of program, History of success » Alexander Fleming’s “Accidental” Findings

27 November 2013 | Views: 1553
Alexander Fleming’s “Accidental” Findings
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) – British bacteriologist. He was the first one who found out especial liquid in a human’s mucus membrane, which not only prevent microbe penetration, but kill them. He separated this substance, it was named as lysozyme. Later he could find a substance in penicillium mold which kills bacterium. As a result the first antibiotic, penicillin, appeared which made a revolution in medicine.

News of program, History of success » Qajimuqan – legendary wrestler Kazakh steppes

18 September 2013 | Views: 1605
Qajimuqan – legendary wrestler Kazakh steppes Qajimuqan (Mukan) Munaytpasov (1871 – 1948) – is famous as the strongest Islamic wrestler in the world of sport battles. His name is connected with the development of physical culture and sport in Kazakhstan in the XX century and, specifically, with the development of Greco-Roman (French) wrestling. He was the one person, who could penetrate to the international arena and fame not only himself but his people on sport grounds of different countries of the world.

Biography is written in Russian.

News of program, History of success » Michio Kaku. Simply About Complicated Things

1 August 2013 | Views: 1710
Michio Kaku. Simply About Complicated Things
Michio Kaku (born January 24, 1947 in California, USA) - is an American scientist, expert in the field of theoretical physics. He is known as an active popularizer of science and author of scientific books.

In May of this year he read lecture in Nazarbayev University in Astana. We think that now, when summer holidays are in full swing, you will be interested to read his books, which tells, in a simple and interesting way, about complicated things: science, technics, universe and future. There are many free links on the author’s works. We offer you to visit two of them: