News of program, History of success » Fariza! Farizazhan, Fariza-kyz |
16 May 2014 | Views: 1352 Few poets manage to combine such principles as open public spirit and penetrating lyricism, innocence and generosity of human relations and tragicalness of unanswered love, lines about sacred friendship and wise thoughts about poet’s skill. The poetess Fariza Ongarsynova is successful in it. Her verses – effective picture of modern reality. Biography is presented in the Russian language Ф. Онгарсынова родилась 25 декабря 1939 года в ауле Манаш Новобогатинского района Гурьевской области. В 1961 году окончила филологический факультет Гурьевского (Атырауского) педагогического института и до 1966 года работала сначала учительницей, а потом директором в сельских школах. Мать Фаризы, неграмотная казашка, любила народные сказания, старинные казахские песни. Долгими зимними вечерами дети читали вслух книги, учили на память поэтические произведения. Многим Фариза обязана матери, стремившейся, чтобы дети росли свободными, не скованными цепями давних традиционных запретов. |
News of program » Great Victory Day! |
6 May 2014 | Views: 235 The 9th of May is the most cheerful holiday, honourably celebrated in many countries of the world. We venerate the heroes who could defend our native land and conquer the enemy. We express our profound respect for grandfathers and great-grandfathers who gave their lives for our happiness. Let the eternal light never slake remembering about courage of the people who gifted us freedom and peace. We congratulate dear veterans and all people of Kazakhstan with the Victory Day! We wish you sound health, happiness and peace! |
News of program » With May Day, Kazakhstan! |
30 April 2014 | Views: 190 People of many nationalities live in peace and consent under the common shanyrak in our country. Friendship of people is the main achievement of Kazakhstan, it is the key of successful development of the country. Traditionally, concerts and open-air parties are taken place on the 1st of May, the Day of Unity of Kazakhstan people, where the representatives of different cultures share with their traditions and recipes of the national dishes at the festive dastarkhan. Dear compatriots, we congratulate you with the May Day and wish that goodness, love and understanding are prevailed in every house! |
News of program, Wisdom of the Great » Gabriel’s Garcia Marquez Farewell Letter |
16 April 2014 | Views: 1422 Gabriel Jose de la Concordia Garcia Marquez is a Columbian prose writer, journalist, publisher and politician, laureate of Neustadt International Prize for Literature and Nobel Prize in Literature. He was known as Gabo in childhood, born on March 6, 1927 in the town of Aracataca and was the eldest of sixteen children of simple pharmacist Eligio Garcia and Luisa Santiago Marquez Iguaran. He is one of the key personality of Latin American ‘Literature Phenomenon’ of the 1960-s. The most famous work of Columbian writer is considered the novel ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’. The great writer was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer, appealed to readers with farewell letter: |
News of program » “Alem” United Us |
27 March 2014 | Views: 1332 Almaty... Kazakh National University... KazNUGrad ... Student life... Recently these words were the sacred dream of young graduates of secondary schools. With a sinking heart young girls and boys waited for the results of their tests and insistently believed in miracles… And for good reason! Heavenly thoughts and steadfast faith is the guarantee of bright future. We are from the category of people who always aim to reach goals. One of the goals is to enter the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Saby Charitable Foundation assisted us with this question due to its “Alem” Young Talents Support Program. The foundation believed in our dream, in the chosen profession, for which we sincerely appreciate. |