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News of program » Achieve Success with Us!

3 May 2013 | Views: 1452
Achieve Success with Us! Employees of [b]Saby Charitable Foundation continue their search of young and talented people in all regions of Kazakhstan with the aim to give a helping hand, when they need it so much, expecting university entrance. Within the framework of Alem Program talented young people are awarded with grants of the Foundation for education in the best educational institutions of the country as well as near and far abroad.

But the present is not simple; having studied and gained prestigious diploma young people should do their duty working for the benefit of people and our country.

On the eve of May holidays our employee visited South Kazakhstan region in search of new “Alem” Participants. As you know champions often become natives of villages and distant regions, those who are not afraid to be in smooth water to achieve success in life.

News of program » Our Congratulations with May Day!

30 April 2013 | Views: 80
Our Congratulations with May Day! May Day with different titles such as: Labour Day, Day of Spring and Labour, Day of Labour Solidarity has being celebrated during over than 120 years in more than 140 countries of the world. Since 1996 in our country the First of May is The Day of Unity of Kazakhstan People. For a multinational friendly and well-consolidated Kazakhstan this holiday has a special meaning and has a great love of people.

On these first light days of May nature awakes again and presents to all people singing of birds, fragrance of flowers and inexpressible spring feeling. Festive events, concerts, festivals, competitions are held in all regions of the country creating feelings of patriotism, faithfulness and unselfish love of the country.

Saby Charitable Foundation congratulates all Kazakhstan people with May Day!
We wish you all strong health, family happiness, success and prosperity! May peace and harmony always prevail in our common house!

News of program » Saby Foundation – Ocean Bridge

16 April 2013 | Views: 1434
Saby Foundation – Ocean Bridge Kanat Beissekeyev’s first camera was semiprofessional glassy Canon, which his eldest sister, having noticed Kanat’s passion to photography, presented him in sign of school graduation. Since that time the young photographer sees the world through the prism of camera lens trying to catch the most subtle and secret details of the happening. Every his work mutely expresses thousand words.

Kanat is 21 years old, the age when intermediate results are summed up and a person enters an expansive development stage. He managed to work in famous projects and worked at popular site of photo reports, Vox Populi.

News of program, Wisdom of the Great » 10 Wise Sayings by Albert Einstein

12 April 2013 | Views: 1347
10 Wise Sayings by Albert Einstein
Today we want to remember an interesting person, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, a laureate of Nobel Prize in1921, Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Definitely most of us remember his photo with tongue put out, old man Albert had a good sense of humor:

One day Einstein walked along the corridor of Princeton and met a young and extremely untalented physical scientist. Coming up to Einstein the scientist familiarly gave a smack on his shoulder and asked patronizingly:
-How are you getting on, colleague?
Einstein questioned in surprise:
- Colleague? Are you suffering from rheumatism too?


All know the great scientist Einstein, but few people know that he was dedicated pacifist and philosopher, he thought a lot about life, a human being and humanity. Let us ponder over his ten wisdom sayings. These ideas reserved for dozens of years and now remain actual and popular.

News of program, "Alem" Participants Diaries » Aikorkem Bagytova, 18 years

3 April 2013 | Views: 1287
Aikorkem Bagytova, 18 years Өмір - ол әр түрлі белестерден тұратын ұзақ жол. Адам- оның жолаушысы. Ал,бақыт сол жолаушыларға берілген әр түрлі мүмкіндік. «Өмірдің алды – ыстық, арты – суық, алды – ойын, арт жағы мұңға жуық» - деген екен Абай атамыз. Сол секілді өмірде сан алуан жағдайлар болып жатады. Міне, сондай кезеңді менде басымнан кешкен болатынмын. Бар арманым көкке ұшқандай болды. Өзімді ешкімге керексіздей сезіндім. «Енді не істесем болады? Болашағым не болмақ?» деген сұрақтар жадымнан кетпей қойды. Содан ойлана келе «Сәби» Қорына хат жазуды ұйғармақ болдым.

Қордың жұмыскерлері менің бұл грантқа өткенімді хабарлағанында қуанышым қойныма сыймады. Сол кезден бастап өмірім өзгергендей болды. Менің қуанышыма ортақтасып қуанғандар да болды,бірақ қоштамағандары да аз болған жоқ. Содан «Сәби» Қорының арқасында өзім армандаған қаламда,өзім қалаған мамандығыма оқуға түстім. Қазірде Ел ордасы Астана қаласындағы С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінде 1-курста оқып жатырмын. Әр түрлі іс-шараларға қатысып тұрамын. Қазақстан тарихы кафедрасының ұйымдастыруымен болған 16 желтоқсан Тәуелсіздік күніне орай өткізілген танымдық-шығармашылық іс-шараға қатысып, университет қабырғасындағы алғашқы «Мадақтама» мақтау қағазымен марапатталдым.